Sunday, January 26, 2020

Microsoft Sales Insight(Call Insight) Integration to business

Microsoft Sales Insight has been introduced as a tool for both Dynamics and non dynamics Users for there better sales projection and different sales persona betterment insights.
Simple steps to Configure sales Insight.

It provides inbuilt connector for Redbox to integrate call data.As an alternative to redbox , here is the metadata/format expected to be uploaded to azure:

In general two steps are prerequisite to the entire setup of sales insight

A)Create a Call Repository
B)Upload Call data

A)Create a Call Repository

  1. Sign in to the Azure dashboard.
  2. On the navigation pane, select All resources, and open the desired storage account.
    Azure All resources option
  3. From Blob service, select Blobs then + Container.
    Add container in Azure
  4. Specify the container information, such as name and public access level.
  5. Select OK.
    The container is created. To learn more, see Create a container
  6. From Settings, go to Access keys and note the Connection string of the storage account. This connection string is used to connect Call intelligence to your Azure storage account.
    Note connection string

Now you are ready to upload call recordings to the blob container and configure the call data for conversation intelligence.

B)Upload Call data

You can upload the recordings in audio formats, such as MP3 and WAV, in the created call recording repository (blob container) in Azure. Along with the audio format file, you must upload the corresponding metadata file in JSON format.

Review the following requirements for audio and JSON files before you upload:

  • The file names for the audio and its corresponding JSON files must be the same. For example, if you name the audio file call-recording-10-dec-2018.wav, the corresponding JSON file should be named call-recording-10-dec-2018.json.
  • The file name cannot contain reserved characters, such as !*'();:@&=+$,/?%#[]".
  • The length of the file name should be fewer than 260 characters.
  • The call recording should be a stereo type recording only.