Monday, August 30, 2021

Azure & D365 together: Serverless Integration with on prem ERP SAP System & Dynamics CRM in Microsoft Platform

While This could be one of most common scenario in live customer implementation of various Business Products, low code platform from Microsoft is already providing some components which makes overall integration effort so seem less and quick.

Following is example architecture where Server less component(Logic app) with On prem data gateway connector has solved a common business problem of customer and make to and fro read/update super easy in cost effective way.

Problem Statement:

Connecting to an prior on-prem environment of SAP System(eg. SAP ERP 6.0 Ehp6) in integrated implementation with Dynamics 365 CRM where some invoice update has to be contiguous to connected D365 CRM. handshaking required respective DLL's/certificate to authorize the read/updates.

Why any organization/Customer may have challenge to solve these?

All Connected systems are highly secure in hybrid environment of real customer scenario. multiple transaction occurring in various system need to be distributed and sync is required to be established. heavy coding/deployment/maintenance is required in respective coding languages. next transitioning developer need to have similar skill(.net/java) to make changes when required.

Advantages of introducing Server less  piece(Logic App) powered by Azure in the Architecture

  • Quick development on Integrated workflow (Various write/update to connected SAP/D365 System)
  • Dependency of any Certificate or underlying compatible binary is solved automatically.
  • Hybrid business systems are connected with ease
  • coding/development/deployment is solved with low code approach of logic app.

Technical Prerequisite

for more details on above Connect to SAP systems - Azure Logic Apps | Microsoft Docs


Estimate data volume/transaction in respective component of customer's business and take help of below link to calculate monthly estimate. for one time or job based data upload is also possible to optimize some transaction cost.

Likewise, there are tons of possibilities to solve multiple business connector architecture with this quick approach or out of box supported connectors on platform.

looking forward to msg/comment for any architectural advise or optimization.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Adding Data source for Share point CSV/XLS file in Customer Insights

in Customer Insights Data sources , we need some manipulation on data source URL in order to create power query connection designating to right files/folders.

(Prerequisite:Create a share point site and respective folder structure, please put your file in designated location)

mapped URL should be as follows(remove all guids etc. map it as following.

mapped URL -

similar step would work for .csv files too

Check out these options if you are still facing issue:


  1. Changing Authentication kind' from 'Organizational account' and enter the credentials see if it works?
  2. Issue could be with the file path – try this : To find the right address in an easy way, open the excel in your desktop app, go to File, select Info tab, and you will find an option for copying the path "Copy path" button. Click that button, and remove the “?web=1” value in the end.